Oh, The People You’ll Meet

For the last half of April I found myself doing something I haven’t done in quite some time: assuming the Clark Griswold role in an honest to goodness family vacation. I loaded up the wife and child, and we drove over 1,500 miles (one way!) to the Pacific Northwest. We went whale watching in PugetContinue reading “Oh, The People You’ll Meet”

I Got a Writing Gig!

To anyone who follows this blog (something I naturally recommend all of you do), I may have been sounding like a broken record lately. For the past several posts, I mention at some point how I haven’t been very productive lately—not writing much, I need to get busy with my writing projects, woe is me,Continue reading “I Got a Writing Gig!”

Let Me Tell You About the Most Valuable Book I Own

A quick disclaimer: this isn’t a story of me finding a first edition copy of The Great Gatsby or Moby Dick tucked away in my parents’ attic, or stumbling upon a rare, out of print pressing of a Stephen King book at a garage sale. This is a more personal story. If you’ve followed theContinue reading “Let Me Tell You About the Most Valuable Book I Own”

Of Struggles, Failures, and Redemption (Hopefully)

I’ve never really been sure how many people actually “follow” my blog. The number of followers on the homepage, while not fabricated, is the number wordpress came up with by counting my Twitter followers as followers of my blog as well. I appreciate the effort of trying to make me look more popular than IContinue reading “Of Struggles, Failures, and Redemption (Hopefully)”

Six (Six Six)Super Spookytime Suggestions!

Hey all! Decided to change things up a little, since next week I’ll (hopefully) be cranking out astronomical word counts for the start of NaNoWriMo. Until then, seeing as how it’s the las week of October, I’d be remiss if I didn’t toss out some horror recommendations if you’re not sure what to watch toContinue reading “Six (Six Six)Super Spookytime Suggestions!”

Sonder, or: Everyone Has a Story

NaNoWriMo in T minus 10 days and counting…those of you participating, are you ready? Personally, I’m *almost* right where I want to be on November 1st. I want to be prepared, but not too prepared. I like having a little wiggle room in my plot and my outline, because one thing a lot of youContinue reading “Sonder, or: Everyone Has a Story”

Writing Residencies: Who’s Done Them?

So here we are, three and a half weeks until November and the kickoff to NaNoWriMo. If you’re participating, are you ready? If it were beginning tomorrow I’d be in okay shape to start on my project, but I’m really trying to get everything laid out storywise so that when the time comes I canContinue reading “Writing Residencies: Who’s Done Them?”

Calling All Worldbuilders

I don’t know how some of you do it. Worldbuilding is really something else, and I’m having a little trouble with it. I’m sitting here, “working” on one of my projects (staring at the screen and thinking a lot) before NaNoWriMo is upon us, and it’s my first story that requires any real worldbuilding. AllContinue reading “Calling All Worldbuilders”

NaNoWriMo, Who’s With Me?

I’ve got a secret. I’ve never done NaNoWriMo. I did it in spirit one year, but it wasn’t “official”. But first, let’s back up a step—just what the heck is NanoWrimo, anyway? If you’re reading this, you’re probably a writer. As such, you may already know, but if you don’t, NanoWriMo is the official shorthandContinue reading “NaNoWriMo, Who’s With Me?”

You Think You Know Anxiety? Get Blurbs for Your Book

A couple of posts ago, I casually declared that the rewrites/edits for my upcoming novel would be done “in the next couple weeks!” Fool. Moron. Idiot. Buffoon. Finishing those edits took longer than I anticipated (luckily my editor is beyond patient and told me to take my time, so as to ensure quality), but theyContinue reading “You Think You Know Anxiety? Get Blurbs for Your Book”